Monday, March 20, 2017

Outline for the Second Term Paper

1.     Introduction
a.     Three films: Peter Pan (1953), Ella Enchanted, and The Princess and the Frog
b.    Thesis: Delays in falling are intentional in films as it creates an entertaining and comedic atmosphere for the scene. 
2.     Body
a.     Peter Pan
                                              i.         A fight scene between Peter Pan and Captain Hook, where Captain Hook is walking in air.
                                             ii.         Captain Hook only falls down when he actually looks down—a classic effect used in animation to make the audience laugh.
b.    Ella Enchanted
                                              i.         Ella is told to freeze when she is running away from security and actually freezes in mid-air, defying gravity.
                                             ii.         As she still floats in mid-air, she is told to put her hands, which causes only her upper part of her body to move. It is only after she puts her hands together she falls into a barrel.
c.     The Princess and the Frog
                                              i.         Naveen (the frog) steals the charm from Lawrence that makes him look like Naveen’s human form. As Naveen is in a struggle with Lawrence, he flings it to Ray (a firefly) for help.
                                             ii.         In this scene, we can see that the charm is bigger than Ray, though Ray is able to hold it for a couple of seconds before he falls with it.
3.     Conclusion
a.     Characters are able to defy gravity as it makes the film comical and enjoyable for the audience.

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